Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weekly Blog #3: September 26- October 2nd, 2010

Third week! I'm doing well with this!
So. This week...well. Confidential Volturi things happened. A lot of them. And that's mostly what my week consisted of. Damien and I have been writing letters back and forth. He knows I'm....old fashioned in some aspects. I don't know. Handwritten letters that smell like him and that he put time into are just so much more romantic then emails or texts. And there's no doubt in my mind that he's trying to win me over after his last visit. If it weren't against everything I thought I settled last week then maybe I'd give in...oh who knows what I want anymore. I might as well just give up and do whatever comes to me.

Outfit of the week:

Now here is a nice outfit for going out with the girls or just for fun. The shirt is a statement piece with it's gorgeous embellishments and unique fit. And all the accessories are simple pieces with a touch of jazz to them so they aren't boring. Like the pattern on the earrings, the zipper on the heels and the rouching on the clutch.

Shoes of the week:

Every girl needs a pair of patent red pumps. And these Bebe ones are gorgeous. The shade of red they use as a part of the Bailey model is simply to die for and any woman would look fantastic in these. A staple for any wardrobe.

Picture of the week:

I like this picture. Even though I'm wearing my reading glasses. I still like it. It's a little more of the bookworm intellectual side of me. Shhhh don't tell anyone.  

Song of the week:

It's not my usual kind of song but for some reason I keep remembering to a couple years back when it came out and it has been playing in my head non stop. And I agree with a similar sentiment of the song's message. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Blog #2: September 19-25th, 2010

How wonderful! I'm doing another post! Hope you love it! Kisses and licks.
I've been thinking a lot since my last post. And I realized something. I don't want to be in love. I want someone who will make me happy. But I don't want to be in love. For a couple years I have been calling a certain man named Damien over for...pleasure. And he always provides. I called him over this week and he really hit the spot. I don't plan on killing him. Ever. I've never told him what I am so I see no need. He satisfies my lust and makes it so I don't have to sleep alone. All I really need is a best friend and a booty call when it comes down to it. I need to stop killing my lovers. I need to keep sex and thirst separate. That way I can have my cake and drink my blood. No cake eating for me. Not to mention. Damien makes me scream way to loud to waste him. I'm pretty sure the whole castle heard me scream. I can't help that he's one of the only humans I've ever found that can. Maybe a vampire mate would be easier. But I'm not getting many offers these days. Oh well.

Outfit of the week:

Lately I've been really loving the laid back simple but sexy outfits. You don't need a mini skirt and cleavage to look cute. Sometimes all you need are a few simple pieces and an accent piece like the plum clutch.

Shoes of the week:

These Christian Louboutin Studio 120 peep-toe pumps are absolutely stunning. Any one who knows me knows that he is my favorite shoe designer of all time. But I adore these. I love studs. I really do. They always make me feel like the most bad ass girl you've ever met. And these are incredible. They don't look over the top rocker. You could wear them with any LBD and you will sparkle like the night sky.

Picture of the week:

Last week I made a point of having a G rated picture. But this week I'm in too much of a sexy mood. Maybe it's the recent satisfaction or maybe it's just because this picture makes my ass and legs look amazing. I'm not sure. But either way I love love love it. 

Song of the week:

One of the sexiest songs I've heard to this date. It makes me squirm. And it's Damien's ringtone for me. Just makes me shiver. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Weekly Blog #1: September 12-18th, 2010

Hello darlings. I guess this is my first real post. Just a bit of an update and a view into what I'm going to be doing on here. My goal is to blog every week so that you can all know how I am. And of course there will be certain events that will have their own post. But these weekly posts will include more then just the 'this is how my week went…' section. I will also be doing of the weeks. I will post an outfit, pair of shoes, picture and song with each weekly post. The outfit of the week will be my favorite outfit that I wore that week. The shoes of the week won't necessarily be for the outfit of the week but it's possible. The picture of the week is a picture of myself that I feel like sharing. It could be because it has a nice story or it could be that I just think it's a cute picture. And of course the song of the week is a song that I'm either really liking that week or that I'm sort of feeling like. So here's this week's post. 
This week I didn't do much out of the ordinary. After returning from the vacation for Tia and Benjamin's wedding I've simply done my everyday tasks. Go on tours, patrol a little, you know. The boring things that I always have to do. The vacation was really nice. I haven't gotten to relax like that in so long. But as with all weddings it left me feeling a bit alone. Watching the waves reminded me of when I was still able to go to the beach. My human life. Combining that with the loneliness led me to think about my late husband. I don't still love him. But I do still miss him. I miss being able to fall asleep in someone else's arm. I miss sharing a bed with someone I wasn't going to have to kill in the morning. I miss a lot of things. While I was on the beach Charlotte gave me a necklace with two hearts on it. I haven't been able to stop fiddling with it. I don't know what the sudden attachment to it is but I can't really take it off.  I'm nervous about the future. Lately it seems like I'm the only alone one in this castle. I know it isn't true but still. It makes me feel pressured to find someone. But I don't think I want to. Single has worked for so long. Why make the change?

Outfit of the week:

Don't you just love this outfit? It's so well balanced. Sexy but sophisticated. Perfect for my job. And the clutch and ring are such beautiful touches. They balanced each other out. The feminine pop of color contrasted the dark and sinister clutch.

Shoes of the week:

These Prada Spring 2008 heels are my heels for the week because I simply adore how intricate the actual heel is. I wore them with a black and coral sundress and they worked wonderfully. They're simple yet dramatic and definitely one of my favorite pairs.

Picture of the week:

I really like this picture. It's not sexual or risque. But it shows a different side of me. A more reserved side that not many see. Not to mention I have my hair up and I very rarely do that. I like the playfulness of this picture. It's all around pretty cute. 

Song of the week:

This song has been stuck in my head for the longest time! No pun intended. It's a catchy song and dare I say a classic. If you aren't humming/singing this song in an hour then you didn't listen to it. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A look into my past

I do not remember my past. But I wrote down my human past when I was turned and have added to it since. These are a shortening of my memoirs.

I was born Heidi Leda Clio Aphrodisia of Sparta to Hermione and Orestes. It was not a humble household. But that was due to my family's roots. My grandparents are fairly well known in Greecian history. Helen and Menelaus. Though you may know them better as Helen of Troy and King Menelaus. I never knew my grandmother. She chose to leave my mother alone with my grandfather. But my grandfather loved to spoil me. He took every chance he could. When I was a child I loved it. But as I aged I grew tired of being treated like a princess. I didn't want to be spoiled. I wanted to branch off. So I told my grandfather that I wanted to be independent. He told me no of course and the next day I was bethrothed.

Herodotus was my soon to be husband. He was a well known Spartan general. He was tough and handsome. The personification of masculinity himself. He wanted nothing to do with the wedding plans. He just wanted me to be his trophy wife. A pretty woman he could show off like a piece of property. I never agreed with this mindset. But I had no choice. We were married in a large ceremony the next month. And a week after that he went off to battle. I lived alone for months. Living how Spartan women did. I provided for myself. Became an independent woman.

When he returned from war I thought he would be furious that I had become a strong willed woman. Instead he was intrigued. He had always had an archaic point of view. Women should be seen and not heard. But when he came back he was different. I could tell that he had softened to me. Even missed me. And our romance blossomed. We learned more about each other. And we started to love each other. He was a very selfish lover at first. But then he started to adapt and become more gentle.

Three months after Herodotus had returned from battle, I became pregnant. And with this very nervous. I wanted a daughter more then anything. But I knew that he wanted a son and would not love a daughter the same way. 30 weeks later Elizabetta was born. And as expected, my husband did not approve. He went into a rage. He wanted an heir. And he wanted one fast. Elizabetta was not strong. She was in fact very week. In modern times she would be called premature. He did not like that I had to put so much care into keeping her alive and well. He ranted about how a son would not require so much.

When Elizabetta was a month old when Herodotus started acknowledging that I wasn't about to give her up and that she really was strong for surviving so long. But I was very caring towards her. Always by her side. Nurturing her. Herodotus took the first year of her life as a sort of vacation from the military. He worked as a carpenter for that year. And there was happiness. For a little while.

After Elizabetta was a year old, Herodotus started to get bored with his mundane work. He wanted to go back to fighting. So he left me and Elizabetta at home while he went off to battle once again. I could barely balance taking care of Elizabetta and working so I got a job as a baker and took care of her when I wasn't in the kitchen. The rest of the time I had a young woman take care of her in exchange for free food.

One night when I went into town after leaving Elizabetta with my mother, I noticed that I was being followed by a man. When I started walking down a street I quickly realized he was not a friendly man. He held a dagger to me. He told me to give him my jewelry or he'd kill me. But I wouldn't do it. He pushed me against a wall of a nearby building and I smashed my head into the wall. I collapsed. My sight was starting to dim. When all of a sudden I felt a cold yet comforting hand in mine and an unbearable pain after something pierced my neck.

A few days later the pain stopped. I felt different. I felt thirsty. I needed something to drink. And I looked around. I was in a bedroom. A very lavish bedroom. And there was a man taking care of me. He told me that I was part of his family now and that my beauty would become very useful. He explained to me what I had become and what had happened. Then he told me all about the laws and his plans for the budding group known as the Volturi.

A week later I found out that Herodotus had been killed in war. Before I had even been turned. I couldn't go to the funeral ceremony. I was said to have been missing. My parents worried. My grandparents worried. But after a while they came to terms with the fact that I was gone. I never came to terms with the fact that I didn't get to say goodbye to Elizabetta. She was alone. Taken in by my parents. She never remembered her parents. But I will always remember her.